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Celebrating 7 Years with Pankoj Sahoo

Celebrating - Pankaj Sahoo

Introducing Pankoj Saho – The Whiz of Precedents!

Since joining Team SBA on June 24, 2016, Pankoj has been a true wizard when it comes to creating and coding those oh-so-vital soft docs tasks for our law firm clients. As we celebrate Pankoj’s seventh’s year at SBA, let’s hear about Pankoj’s experience with Team SBA:

Movie Title for time at SBA?

“Chak De India”

Just like the Indian hockey team in the epic movie “Chak De India” had to give their all to triumph in the international tournament, my journey here has a similar exhilarating coding marathon. I’ve been pushing myself to the limits, consistently working hard to wow our international clients with my coding prowess. It’s been a thrilling ride full of challenges and triumphs, just like a true underdog story!

You can time travel – what advice are you giving yourself on your first day?

I would tell myself, “Don’t worry, you’re not alone! It may feel like you’re navigating a new coding platform and everyone is a stranger, but soon you’ll realise that your colleagues are the coolest bunch. They’ll become your work family, making every day an exciting adventure.”

What achievement or milestone are you most proud of during your time with us?

Ah, my greatest triumph! I’ve conquered new technologies and embraced coding challenges with a victorious spirit. This place has given me the opportunity to showcase my skills and level up my coding game.

What’s your funniest client story?

Picture this: During a client meeting, my system decided to take a mini vacation and disconnected for a while. But guess what? The client kept on explaining without even realising that I had vanished into thin air! When I finally reappeared, I had to sheepishly admit the technical glitch, and the client was very kind to explain everything again. Talk about being invisible!

If you could trade roles with any colleague for a day, who would it be and why?

Hands down, I’d love to step into the shoes of my team leader, Bitoo. He’s not just a boss; he’s a buddy! I’d love to experience how he effortlessly handles any situation and guides the team with his superhero-like leadership skills.

Imagine an SBA superhero! What’s their superpower?

Introducing “CodeMaster Bitoo”! Based on our incredible team leader, Bitoo, this fictional character would possess the superpower of solving any coding challenge with lightning speed. Armed with a keyboard and a cape, CodeMaster Bitoo would save the day, one bug at a time!

If you could invent an imaginary office holiday, what would it celebrate, and how would we celebrate it?

“Annual Kolkata Street Food Day”! On this joyous occasion, all team members would embark on an epic street food adventure in Kolkata. We’d explore famous street food spots, indulge in mouthwatering delicacies like Golpark Chat, and savour the flavours of our success while bonding over spicy treats. Here’s to many more years of collaboration, laughter, and shared success with Team SBA, Pankoj! We can’t wait to see what other extraordinary feats he’ll accomplish as we continue our journey together. Congratulations and thanks again for all the hard work and dedication to our clients!

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