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Is your Business Scalable? Nov 21, 2022


Our CEO Partha shares his thoughts

What does Scalability mean for a business? Scalability would mean how quickly you can grow the business or how quickly you can acquire new clients from prospects. And we all know the growing pain in a business. Scalability, or lack of it, plays a big part in how bad those growing pains are in a business.

Scalability is Resourcing

Scalability also means, how you can add resources like more team members or raw materials that you require to cater for the growing client needs. It implies, how quickly you can scale up the business’s infrastructure to be able to cater to the growing needs of a business. So, things like back office support and compliance are parts of the business but also hindrances. If you are starting to grow the business and all these things are needed, then often there is not enough time and resources to do all this and effectively service clients. So these are Scalability challenges that often determine how quickly your business can grow or how much growth is constrained.

Outsource to Make Your Business More Scalable

Outsourcing can play a key role in enabling your business to be more scalable. Delegate more process-driven compliance, back office, accounting, marketing, and IT-related tasks to an outsourcing company. These sorts of tasks can be done at a cost arbitrage and simultaneously save your organisation’s time and your team’s time in growing your business. Outsourcing is infrastructure support that will enable you to grow the business more quickly. Outsourcing is compliance taken care of without you having to put hours into it during weekends or after work because there is no one else doing it in the team.

It also enables you to acquire knowledge, because often engaging in an outsourcing company like Team SBA would mean that you get more visibility of how businesses process can be run more optimally or what software can make the business process better.

Scalability Challenges can be opportunities for growth

So all this folds into how scalable your business is and how that plays a role in the growth of your business. It’s something all businesses struggle with, but it also provides a lot of opportunities. It also provides businesses with a competitive edge, if businesses can leverage technology, outsourcing and similar things to leverage scalability challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.


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