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How does going Paperless help benefit the business environment?

With Covid transforming ways that teams work, being paperless as an organisation has become all the more relevant as an operational strategy and also for risk management.

Being paperless in an organisation can have the following benefits:

1️⃣ Automation using tech is easier to implement in a paperless environment

2️⃣Data storage and analysis is much easier in a paperless environment as all data can be considered

3️⃣ Real-time access to data and having flexibility in considering options like outsourcing is easier to implement in a paperless environment.

4️⃣ Encryption of confidential data is easier in a paperless environment

Going paperless, requires effective project management, some key pointers to look out for includes:

1️⃣ Getting team buy-in for a paperless environment including preparing users for a paperless environment

2️⃣ Training users to use dual monitors in lieu of looking at a printed copy

3️⃣ Having PDF Printers to output reports and documents instead of printing hardcopy

4️⃣ Implementing Cloud data storage and sharing to enable users to easily share data in a paperless environment

5️⃣ Promote the environmental benefits of paperless with less use of paper and printers in the business environment.

Contact team SBA for insights if you need help to take your organisation paperless.

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